5 Unbelievable Facts about Mt Fuji you should know before making a trip there.

Get an opportunity to visit Japan's iconic Mt. Fuji while cruising Lake Ashi or taking a ride through  Mt. Komag take Ropeway. Revel in sweeping views of one of the most celebrated parks in Tokyo: Hakone National Park, learn about the region with your guide at Mt. Fuji's 5th Station. Yes, enjoy all of these when you choose to fly with Allegiant Airlines. From complimentary drinks to unlimited entertainments, come fly with us, witness something unreal to make your journey a worthwhile experience. 

Get cheap flight tickets for Tokyo or any other destination with Allegiant Airlines Deals and special offers. Save more, get an opportunity to redeem points and get a drastic change in your flight fares the next time you make your reservations with Allegiant Airlines Reservations. If you have been planning to visit Mt Fuji sooner or later, it would be a wise decision on your path if you do a little research beforehand. Below we have listed some of the amazing facts about Mt Fuji, that’s totally worth knowing before making your trip:

           Mt Fuji is actually a stratovolcano, it has three separate volcanoes placed on top of one another. The eldest being Mt Fuji, then the Kofi volcano, and finally the Komitake volcano, which is the oldest among the three.

          One of the distinctive features about Mt. Fuji is its funnel-shaped form, which is very unusual for a volcano.

              Mt. Fuji offers a small window in term of trekking, the climbing season is last for the short duration of time from the beginning of July until the last week of August.

                    Geographically, Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, standing as tall as 12,380 feet.

           The first person to climb Mt. Fuji was a monk. The Mount favored more men climbers whereas women were not allowed to climb until the 19th century. Lady Fanny Parkes was the first woman to climb Mt. Fuji in the year 1867.


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